Honeycomb Core

Nomex honeycomb
Nomex is a material that adds more ‘pop’ to the paddle, allowing the ball to bounce off with ease. The Nomex Core in this Rally paddle compliments the featherweight feel coming from the graphite paddle face nicely. This gives new players great pop and control.

Propene Polymer honeycomb
Polymer cores are the softest and quietest cores on the market. Because it is a plastic, each hit is quieter since the surface isn’t quite as hard. Lots of communities with noise restrictions list paddles with polymer cores the most frequently on their “Quietest” or “Approved” paddle list. Because the polymer is the softest core, you’ll find that these paddles give you an immense amount of control over shot placement.

Aluminum honeycomb
Aluminum cores are well-known for being the best at providing “touch”. We consider touch to be maneuverability, ball placement and finesse at the net, or being able to perfectly place your shot. Aluminum honeycomb core is slightly softer than Nomex, meaning the ball pops off just a bit slower which gives you more time to manipulate the ball. Aluminum cores are usually quieter than Nomex cores as well.
Carbon Fiber – similar to graphite but more durable, this material provides the ultimate in ball control. Again though, you will lose a bit of power.
Fiberglass – this is probably the most common facing you’ll see on the courts. It’s not as strong as graphite or carbon fiber but has more power (pop).
Aluminum Core or Aluminum Surface paddles are considered "Aluminum Pickleball Paddles".